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Do you believe conventional medicine cures cancer?

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Starting My Second Fast

Tomorrow I will start my second week-long juice fast. I have received all my suppliments and am looking forward to getting started building up my immune system. I feel great and look very healthy (I'm told!). People cannot believe I am in end-staged cancer.
The fasts are not hard for me at all. The Lord has given me a grace with this diet change and the fasting that is really supernatural. I am grateful and continue resting and worshipping during this recovery-time I am experiencing. Rest is very important to rebuild the immune system.
My frame of mind is focused on Jesus and I don't even really remember I have cancer most of the time. He truly "keeps in perfect peace those whose minds are stayed on Him, for they trust in Him." I will be praying and worshipping as much as possible during the next week, and would appreciate your prayers as well. Thank you!


  1. I too am later stage cancer ... four to be exact.

    Wishing you all the best in rebuilding your immune system.

  2. Daria,
    I saw you on my followers list and went to your blog. I have been praying for you, Sister, knowing you are fighting this beast, too!
    May the Lord give you peace and victory!

  3. Denise,
    I pray for both you and Daria that it is God's will for you two - and me and other friends that also are challenged - to be healed from cancer. Like you, I was not diagnosed until I was stage IV. God bless us and keep us. Amen

    Lydia Johnson,
    Charleston, SC

  4. Lydia,
    I am adding you to my list of cancer sufferers to pray for! Thank you for your prayers. I believe with all my heart it is God's will for us to be healed. Jesus purchased healing for us along with salvation. It is a battle for God's Kingdom to come on Earth as it is in Heaven, though, huh? Blessings to you!
